Type II diabetes
First of all, here are the NONpublished ranges for said type 2 A1C.
Your AME should tell you these beforehand, however some don't.
1-4, is normal.
5-6.5 is non reportable to the FAA medical division. It is simply prediabetes.
>6.5-9.0 is covered under special issuance with metformin being the drug of choice as it is FDA approved and has almost zero side effects. Once given the aforementioned drug, you must wait 30 days to see how the medication deals with you and vice versa.
After the 30 days window, another blood draw & to see how the medication is doing.
Greater than 9.0 is a bust, again there is NO where on the FAA website to find these values. I had to find out the hard way.
Controlling it with diet and exercise is still the best way.
I can suggest and recommend the following, Dr Camble's plant based books, Dr Barnard's "reversing Diabetes" and Dr. McDougall's program for gaining knowledge about plant-based food. it is the FAT in food more so than the sugar. The starch based diet that makes up the McDougall program did not work well for me. The first two did very well. The education that is gleamed from their instruction/class is very helpful and eye opening trying to navigate the pit falls of the food industry.
There is another way to "help" and that is Monjouro (if your A1C is over 9) your Dr. can prescribe it.
Also, donating blood helps to lower the A1C faster, just FYI.